⚡ valuein/invoice:2022-03-07-09-06
⚡ valuein/invoice:2022-03-07-09-06 → 8 🎉 → 2 🚀 → 3 🐛
- 🎉 Upgraded to Symfony 4.4
- 🎉 Upgraded to Php 7.4
- 🎉 Included quotes in search results
- 🎉 Added a default file for new languages
- 🎉 Add Debug & Collect options
- 🎉 Add User Roles Management
- 🎉 Authorizations Management Using User Roles
- 🎉 Give the Admin the ability to request a Password Reset for another user
- 🚀 Improved api performance
- 🚀 Add Contains & notContains comparison operators in Masterdata
- 🐛 Fixed bar graph sorting
- 🐛 Fix Masterdata module
- 🐛 Stabilize Forgot Password Process
- Projects
- None
- Subscribers
- None