⚡ valuein/invoice:5.0

⚡ valuein/invoice:5.01 🎉2 🚀6 🔥

  • 🎉 Migrated to symfony 5
  • 🚀 Improved cronjob management
  • 🚀 Improved login lock after too many process
  • 🔥 Upgrade from nelmio apidoc version 4
  • 🔥 Changed annotation to attributes
  • 🔥 Changed translation format
  • 🔥 Changed configuration for dev env
  • 🔥 Changed getUsername to getUserIdentifier
  • 🔥 Changed user auth

🎉 New features

🚀 Improvements

Improved cronjob management

Replaced cron execution by a sub shell to reduce side effect from one command to the next.
This also mean that the arguments default values will be handled correctly.

The rendering of the command have been improved to be more readable.

The interface CommandArgumentProviderInterface have been added if the command need to be run multiple time with different arguments

Improved login lock after too many process

Login attempts are limited on 5 failed requests for IP address + username and 25 failed requests for IP address.
The second limit protects against an attacker using multiple usernames from bypassing the first limit, without disrupting normal users on big networks (such as offices).

One this limit is reached, the user will need to wait 5 minutes before being able to retry.

🔥 Breaking changes

Changed translation format

Translation now use intl-icu format

See : https://symfony.com/doc/5.4/translation/message_format.html
See : https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/format_parse/messages/

Changed configuration for dev env

Configuration are now merged by package using when@env syntax.
This mean, all the configuration for a package is now in the same file

See : https://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-5-3-configure-multiple-environments-in-a-single-file

Changed getUsername to getUserIdentifier

Following Symfony 5.4 new auth system, the getUsername method is now deprecated and being replaced by getUserIdentifier

Changed translatable interface

The interface for translatable entities have been changed from Translatable::postLoad(LifecycleEventArgs $event) to Translatable::translate(TranslateEntityEventSubscriber $translateEntityEvent)

Changed user auth

Changed user auth to Symfony 5.3 authentification system

See : https://symfony.com/doc/5.4/security.html

Written by julien.tattevin on Aug 1 2023, 9:04 AM.

Event Timeline